5 Secrets of Happy Families

1. Listen. Spend some time every day just listening to each other.  Respect each other enough not to interrupt or interject your opinion.  Whether 4 or 40, permit each member of your family to speak their mind and validate their feelings.

2. Look for opportunities to praise. Be sure each family member knows you think the best of them and appreciate all the good they do. . .


Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Your Marriage

1.  The grass is not greener on the other side. Marriage is hard, divorce is also hard. Don’t be surprised if you are lonely, discouraged and sad post-divorce.

2.  It is entirely normal to fall in and out of love with your spouse during the course of your marriage. . .


Top 10 Mistakes Made by Divorcing Women

1. Splitting assets 50/50. An equal division of assets is not always a fair division of assets.  Factors such as growth potential, tax consequences of ownership, division costs and liquidity should be considered in any division. All marital assets are not created equal.

2. Waiving child support. A dollar of child support does not equal a dollar of alimony. . .


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